Dorian Sari

Dorian Sari born in 1989, in Izmir, Turkey. Studied Political Science and Languages, Greek literature at Paris Sorbonne University, Visual Art at HEAD Geneva, and Visual Art Institut Kunst Basel.
Dorian Sari is an observer of public reactions to contemporary politics and social movements. The main core of his work is looking into hu- man beings, cultures and projecting them with personal and collective mythology into completely fictional, theatrical scenes, based on an- thropological and psychoanalytical interpretation of humans and their symbols. He creates a certain perspective for a certain period in his narrations. Mostly in the form of sculpture, video, and performance. Making sublimation of his observations into materials involves ceremo- nial rituals in the production process. Sometimes it is just quiet sewing, some- times he takes the role of the fool of the king and says things that people generally do not dear to say. His goal is requestioning cultural norms and hierarchies in his speech. Sculptures tell a story with the language of collective symbols while other mediums are directly pointing to the current obvious, with a little bit of humor. The parallel of this communication between the individual consciousness and the collective subconsciousness is combining rational scientific researches with metaphysical methods. Requestioning current affairs and taking a measure with his multidisciplinary background and his position as an artist are the main points of his work.

10.06 – 16.06.2024

10.09 – 13.11.2021

The *itch is Back! No:1, 2021, Archival pigment print, glass, stone, Ed. 1+1, 125x125x11 cm
The *itch is Back! No:7, 2021, Archival pigment print, glass, stone, Ed. 1+1, 185x125x11 cm
The *itch is Back! No:4, 2021, Archival pigment print, glass, stone, Ed. 1+1, 125x125x11 cm
A Box of Eyes I, 2021, Plaster, acrylic, white glue, matress, metal structure, net, sponge, Ed. 1, 136x188x26 cm
Ribbons, 2021, Fabric, safety pin, Ed. 1/5+1, 86x39x10 cm
Look!, 2020, Digital video, sound, 3:36 min, Multiple screens, Ed. 5
Mother of a Thousand Things, 2020, 8 wooden beams: each 200×5×5 cm, 9 pillows: each 100×50×10 cm
Untitled (toi, moi, dedans, dehors), 2020, Leather belt, Ed. 1/5+1, Ø14
Equivoke, 2021, Rubber balloon, loudspeaker, sound, Ø160 cm
Make The Unknown-unknown, Partially Known-unknown, 2018, Wood, plastic, electric composition, 2 pieces, 154X154X30 cm (each)
Plastic Fear, 2020, Leather jacket, replica pistol, 94x74x54 cm